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March 12 2013
This week, March 10 to 16, is recognized as National Groundwater Awareness week. Groundwater is one of our most valuable resources, needed by people, animals and crops every day
March 8 2013
A firsthand look at what dairies are already doing to make, save and reduce energy use will be on display March 19 at Ballard Family Dairy and Cheese in Gooding, Idaho
March 4 2013
Sequestration went into effect on March 1 as a result of the Budget Control Act. And with it, the federal budget will be reduced by $85 billion this year or $1.2 trillion over the next decade if congressional...
Feb. 27 2013
Sometimes we are so close to a topic that we often forget the values and assume everyone else is just as familiar with it as those who are so deeply entrenched. My responsibilities include the online content...
Feb. 21 2013
After moderating slightly during the past two years, the pace in which licensed dairy farms exited the business picked up a little steam
Feb. 14 2013
Milk Income Loss Contracts (MILC) were automatically extended through September 30, 2013, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012. There is no need for producers to re-enroll in MILC
Feb. 13 2013
Dairy management programs offered at no cost. No dairy herd is a cookie cutter of the next. Each have their own unique set of fixed costs, feed options and management criteria. Fortunately, there is software...
Feb. 4 2013
Like many others production sectors, dairy farming continues to evolve into a highly focused segment. In May 2012, there were 1,767 counties that sold milk within the Federal Milk Marketing Order
Jan. 29 2013
"The current formal rule-making approach required to change dairy (product) standards is cumbersome, inefficient and resource intensive, so the FDA simply throws up its hands and does nothing,"
Jan. 22 2013
Of the two dairy producers making the finals of a new contest, one was successful. This morning, Will Gilmer, a dairyman from Sulligent, Ala., was announced as one of the four "Faces of Farmers and Ranching."
Jan. 21 2013
With its launch in 2005, Chobani spurred a Greek yogurt movement throughout the U.S. Since then, a number of other manufacturers have gotten in on the action as well
Jan. 9 2013
As we reported on Monday (Golden Guernsey plant closed unexpectedly), the Golden Guernsey plant in Waukesha, Wis., closed its doors unexpectedly over the weekend
Jan. 8 2013
Americans spend over 40 percent of their food dollars on meals prepared outside the home. Is that because they eat out nearly half the time? Not necessarily. The cost of eating out is expensive
Jan. 2 2013
When all is said and done, the farm bill basically was extended for one year. That is because language to renew most of its old components was inserted into legislation passed on New Year's Day to avert...
Dec. 31 2012
Late December is traditionally the time of year when Americans spend time with their families. Not so if you are a congressional staffer, an elected national official . . . or even a dairy farmer
Dec. 20 2012
It's a study that is cited in almost every issue of Hoard's Dairyman. Those who author herd health, milk quality and facilities-related articles frequently use the NAHMS Dairy 2007 study as a reference
Dec. 18 2012
For some time, dairy producers and other industry specialists who closely follow genetic evaluations have agreed that productive life estimates - a measure of how long a cow lives - have been somewhat...
Dec. 17 2012
History is constantly evolving, so the records of the past are in continual motion. National Dairy Shrine is working on renovations to the Joe P. Eves Library and displays surrounding it. During World...
Dec. 12 2012
The biggest news of the week for "milk" is that prices might double due to the farm bill, or the lack of farm bill passage. Of course, we first heard about this a few months ago from places like CBS news
Dec. 7 2012
Compared with the most recent August genetic evaluations, and even last December for that matter, the dizzying pace of escalating breeding values has seemed to slow to a more traditional pace as the top...